Horacio cigar in israel
Awarded Cigar of the Year 2023
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Best Sellers cigars Horacio
Discover the Horacio Israel Best Sellers selection: exceptional cigars combining premium quality and artisanal cigars
The Art of Exceptional Cigars
HORACIO presentation
From the subtle blend of tobaccos selected from the best terroirs of Costa Rica and Nicaragua, an exceptional cigar is born.
Dressed in a silky and delicate Ecuadorian Colorado wrapper, Horacio offers perfect aesthetics.
Balanced and regular, it reveals throughout its tasting a rich and tasty aromatic palette: the notes of undergrowth are present, softened by the roundness of the spices and its length in the mouth will satisfy the seasoned amateur.
Wrapper: Ecuador
Binder: Nicaragua
Tripe: Costa Rica – Nicaragua
A Symbol of Excellence and Prestige
Since its inception, Horacio Cigars has established itself as a leading name in the world of premium cigars. Known for their bold innovations and unparalleled craftsmanship, Horacio has captivated connoisseurs worldwide, offering a distinctive blend of quality, tradition, and modernity.
Now, this iconic brand has expanded its reach to Israel, offering aficionados access to its celebrated collections. With its renowned reputation for excellence, Horacio’s arrival in Israel marks a significant moment for cigar enthusiasts in the region, who can now experience its exceptional craftsmanship and unique blends firsthand.
Best Sellers Horacio
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