The Horacio N°3 “Duke” is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, perfectly constructed and adorned with a luxurious, oily wrapper. Designed to complement any occasion, this exceptional cigar combines superior quality and an unforgettable smoking experience.
Aroma and Flavor Profile
Before ignition, the blend captivates with notes of tanned leather and free-flowing tobacco, free from fungal steams. Upon lighting, a burst of peppery aromas takes center stage, offering a bold yet refined introduction.
As the cigar progresses, its vegetal and peppery nuances emerge subtly, creating a gradual and sophisticated evolution. The smoke delivers a rich, sensual experience with an impressive length on the palate, balancing complexity with finesse.
Experience and Audience
This cigar is an exquisite choice for seasoned aficionados seeking a refined yet substantial module. It also serves as a perfect introduction for novices eager to explore the world of premium cigars, offering an approachable yet characterful experience.
Key Features
- Wrapper: Oily and perfectly applied
- Aromas: Pepper, vegetal notes, tanned leather
- Profile: Smooth evolution with a lasting mouthfeel
- Best for: Both aficionados and new enthusiasts
The Horacio N°3 “Duke” stands as a testament to elegance, offering a harmonious blend of strength and delicacy that appeals to a wide range of cigar lovers.
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