The Horacio Maduro H5, a Magnum Short format, combines refined craftsmanship with a distinctive flavor profile. Its compact size and luxurious construction make it a standout cigar for enthusiasts seeking a complex yet balanced experience.
Aromas and Pre-Lighting Notes
- Aromatic Foot: Fresh grass reminiscent of the first spring cuts greets you at the foot, offering a refreshing start.
- First Puffs: Rich woody notes blend seamlessly with cocoa and nutty undertones, providing a generous and delicate palate feel.
Flavor Profile and Experience
- Complex Notes: A masterful combination of spices, leather, and subtle gourmand touches.
- Strength: Moderate strength, ensuring an approachable and enjoyable smoke for varied preferences.
- Versatility: Its rich yet not overpowering profile makes it ideal for an afternoon tasting or as a pre-meal indulgence.
Key Features
- Format: Magnum Short
- Aromas: Spices, leather, fresh grass, cocoa, and nuts
- Occasions: Perfect for a sophisticated afternoon break or as a precursor to a delightful meal.
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