The Horacio Small Belicoso stands out with its distinctive short, thickset shape and generous cepo. Its silky, oily wrapper not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also hints at the luxurious experience it delivers. This cigar offers a harmonious blend of craftsmanship, aroma, and flavor, making it a delightful companion for both casual and contemplative moments.
Aroma and Flavor Profile
Before lighting, the cigar exudes enticing notes of dried fruits and fresh walnuts, complemented by a perfectly composed filler.
Once ignited, it reveals a smooth and effortless draw, producing delicate, airy puffs of smoke. The robust yet balanced flavor profile features peppery and subtly herbaceous notes that evolve as the cigar burns. The finale is exceptionally pleasant, leaving the smoker with a sense of serenity and satisfaction.
Smoking Experience
The Small Belicoso is designed for a refined yet accessible experience, offering:
Ease of Draw: Ensures consistent and enjoyable puffs
Balanced Combustion: Provides a steady burn from start to finish
Complex Flavor Evolution: Transitions seamlessly from nutty to peppery and herbaceous
Key Features
Shape: Short and thickset Belicoso
Wrapper: Silky, oily coat
Aromas: Dried fruits, fresh walnuts, pepper, herbs
Finish: Smooth and satisfying
Ideal for aficionados seeking a short yet luxurious smoking experience, the Horacio Small Belicoso offers an impeccable balance of elegance, flavor, and craftsmanship.
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